Four Science-Backed Health Benefits of Eating Fish


For longer than history has been recorded, humans have consumed fish as a main source of protein and nutrition all over the world but there are some who are unaware of the benefits behind this fact. After all, fish is now a source of meat that, similar to any other type of meat, can now be found at the local fishmonger without the need for catching it on your own. In today’s modern age, it is important that you understand why fish should still very much be a part of your diet and why it could benefit you to make it more prevalent than red meat in your eating routine.


Generally speaking, nearly all types of fish are good for you, barring those such as puffer fish that produce toxins and other potentially dangerous substances. These are high in many nutrients not found in an Australian’s usual diet as well as a number of minerals and a large percentage of protein. However, some fish are better than others, with the fatty fish considered the healthiest on most scales.

This is because fatty fish such as trout, salmon, sardines, mackerel, and tuna are higher in omega-3 fatty acids and other fat-based nutrients. This includes fat-soluble vitamin D, a nutrient that most people are found to be deficient in, which is utilised in the body much as a steroid would be. The omega-3 fatty acids are particularly good for the body and brain’s functionality and these are strongly linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and other issues in the body.

Strokes and Heart Attacks

Heart attacks and strokes are two of the most common causes of premature death around the world and they are often some of the most preventable deaths. A healthy diet combined with regular exercise and cardio workouts will dramatically reduce the chance of a sudden heart attack or stroke and you can help keep the risk low with a helping of fish once or twice a week. Many large observational studies have found regular fish eaters to have a reduced risk of such things and this is why it is high time that you visit a fishmonger in Twickenham.

Growth and Development

Omega-3 fatty acids are especially essential for the growth and development of humans, especially the fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), because it accumulates in the developing brain and eye. For this reason, it is often recommended that nursing mothers eat a certain amount of fish enriched with this fatty acid for the benefit of their children, although some fish should be avoided during pregnancy and nursing. Any fish that is high in mercury, such as swordfish, should be avoided while pregnant or nursing so that none of this potentially harmful substance is passed onto the infant.

The best fish to eat when pregnant are salmon, sardines, and trout and a mother should have no more than 340 grams of these fish per week. This will provide the maximum benefit to the mother and child without putting either at risk and she should avoid eating any raw or uncooked fish.