First night in Tbilisi – getting pizza that city deserves – Night Pizza


So I was really excited going to Tbilisi, city founded in 5th century AD, which is capital of Georgia, country well known for it’s cuisine.

I arrived late at night and before diving into Georgian dishes like Khachapuri, Khinkali and various dishes, that I haven’t tasted yet – I decided to get delivery of something – more international.

First of all, I found out that not many restaurants do deliveries at night time, however, I stumbled upon place called Night Pizza, they said they do only delivery service, after briefly exploring their short menu, I decided to get KATAMI pizza with chicken (Katami is Georgian for chicken), jalapeno, bbq sauce and some ham.

They delivered in 25 minutes time, 10 minutes earlier than they promised – which was great, after a long flight.

Table of Contents

Pizza itself

First off – I’ve never seen such a catchy pizza box, all black, with their logo on it and the tagline – Pizza that city deserves – huge promise before getting the taste of the pizza itself.

After opening, I wouldn’t say presentation of the pizza itself is great – it’s pretty regular – nothing fancy – jut some Leopard spots, meaning only one thing – this pizza should be good.

Pizza structure is – American meets Neapolitan style and after tasting, all I can say – I expected nothing less after the whole build-up. I don’t know who came up with the idea to put chicken on a pizza with jalapeno – but – that person is a genius.

Loved every bit of the pizza and I’m really happy to go on my adventure to explore traditional Georgian cuisine now.

Big ups, Night Pizza.

P.S. I decided to write this article after they called the next evening – asking how did I like the pizza, to be fair – never had anyone call me after a delivery service to double-check if everything was fine.